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Why Neoperk?


Soil and agriculture, have the immense potential to solve global problems such as food insecurity and climate change . However, we do not understand it well enough due to lack of data. To understand it better, we need to test soil more frequently and at national as well as global scale. However the current agricultural testing ecosystem is broken with multiple gaps which lead to errors at different levels.

At present, most soil test reports end up being unreliable due to sampling error or mismanagement, negligence in use of standard chemical reagents and analytical procedures, delay in report delivery and / or incomprehensive reports with limited post-service support on understanding of reports. This ultimately leads to the end-farmer-user not able to reap the full benefits and low adoption of soil testing.


To solve this, we developed a comprehensive end-to-end solution. It starts with training our on-field partner for sample collection and data collection using Neoperk Operator app . The sample is brought to our Local Testing Unit (LTU) and tested using our rapid, chemical-free spectral device and ML models. A Neoperk LTU can be set-up at any new location in less than two days time.

What truly sets us apart from other solutions in the market is our soil spectral device . It eliminates the need for any merchandise (such as chemicals, cartridges, and strips) for testing of multiple soil parameters. It can perform more than 1,000 tests within 15 days, at a fraction of the cost compared to conventional lab methods. This device is perfect for organizations which have a large number of farmer members and are seeking rapid scale and expansion.

We provide a seamless integration of soil testing and soil data in your agri-value-chain, along with comprehensive and user-friendly reports. The insight reports help you understand the soil fertility levels in the region and take actions based upon it.
Check out our Farmer Stories to know more

Parameters Static Soil Testing Labs Chemical based kits / mini-labs Other sensor technologies Neoperk
Parameters Covered All plant essential parameters* Basic+Micro Basic Basic+Micro
Accuracy High Medium Low-Medium Medium-High
Speed 24-48 hours 25-30 mins Variable < 5 mins
Samples per day 40-50 samples 10-12 samples Variable 120-150 samples
Use of Chemicals Yes Yes Variable No
Operational Expertise Very High Medium Variable Low
Capital Investment Very High Medium Variable Medium
Recurring Cost High High Variable Negligible
Scalability Low Medium Variable Very High
*Availability depends upon lab
Best possible
Least effective

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